Had a club mate pop round last night, and with him came a box full of burnt wood that weighed a ton ( at least that is what he said the delivery guy said :) ).

Thought I should post some normal stuff today compared to just spamming about the Wasteland Warrior Bust ;) 

But yeah.. I am really happy to have all of this, as my Japanese forces for Bolt Action are getting tired of travelling all the way over to Europe to kick some ass, and take down names.. At least now I can have a few fights back over on home turf.. which I guess would give me more of an advantage? Thus making them even harder to kill??? Oh damn.. sucks to be... :D

As you can see, as with everything for me, I go big with such things. And this was no exception. From the above photo you can see that I have the following:

So yeah, quite a few things showed up. I suspect that after holidays I will have a lot of work ahead of me to put them together. Thankfully, they are also semi painted ( or at least cut and burnt in the colors needed for them ). At the very most, I will have to apply some washes, and maybe make some bases for them with ground effects to match the rest of the army. 

But I was curious about how much work is required for building one of these.. so I cracked a bag open and had a look. 

Honestly I am quite surprised at how much detail they give them, and how deep into the pieces they go!

So here is the Pheasant Dwelling. Just a simple ( large ) ziplock bag, with a brand name cardboard on top stapled together. Basic, simple, and honestly as much as you would need for such a kit. Any more is just a waste anyways really.. 

So many parts! Damn! And it is one of the smaller buildings of the set! I fear to see how many parts are inside the Elder Building!!!!!

Phew.. at least it comes with instructions though... wait.. what? How many steps?? And the sides of the walls, each square is individually cut out, and needs to be glued in?!?!?!?! Daaaaaammmmmn... 

And there is a second side full of instructions as well?!?!?!! Whoa! I may require to build them together as a batch job ( in pairs as least so that I don't get too confused here! ). 

But end result is going to mean that I will have gaming terrain once more. And something that I can play on with Junior at home as well. Maybe time to build that American Force to play against them with then as well eh? :) 

Enjoy the weekend.. am off on holidays as of now.. but will still be posting while away!