Hey all, apologise for not posting anything in awhile - as ever i've been somewhat snowed under real life and trying to catch up on my hobby backlog!

Firstly, I got around to finishing the Dark Eldar commission I'd been working on - I was never a major fan of the DE until I actually painted some of them and realised just how awesome the models actually are!  

Anyway, my next project is an Eldar Harlequins force - very different scheme from the DE but for the same customer. Once again, I wasn't massively awed with the models when they were released but my word, they are awesome to behold once you get your hands on them. 

I'm hoping these really won't take as long to paint as the Dark Eldar!

Finally, I managed to get around to my Imperial Knights and get some serious magnet work done. I cuts off the arms of my first paladin and managed to insert magnets back into the joints so now all the weapon options are swappable between either Knight. Just need to get the paint onto them now!

Anyway, as ever, thanks for reading and I'll be updating next with a very special personal project that I've wanted to achieve ever since I returned to 40k :)
