It has been a bit of a long standing joke that I'd have to buy a house simply for the Craftworld. Sadly there is a little truth in this, as one of the conditions was to ensure it had a space for a display cabinet - and a fourth bedroom to store them in the interim. Yes, really.

So what is this post about? I've just bought said house, sussed out a display cabinet and been served a warning notice from my wallet and bank account to resume a cruising speed rather than "full steam ahead" as it has been the last two years. Basically, posts will be reduced to once a month, or as new developments occur for the next 6-12 months while "damage control" on my bank account takes place.

In short, this is the plan of attack;

1. All miniatures "in the field" aka in the hands of commissioned artists, are to be completed before the next batches can be released. This will likely be Q2 next year.

2. Normalise the costs involved with taking on a new house - You know, buying the essentials. A trip to Costco resulted in buying popcorn, only to realise... "I don't own a microwave...". Being Costco let's just say I have a lot of popcorn sitting idle.

3. Acquire said display cabinet. This sucker is about 220cm wide, 53cm deep and 223cm high. Yes, it needs more shelves. Estimates suggest it will hold the bulk foot troops, vehicles are going in a different spot, and Warmachines already have their own cabinet (bought with the house). If I manage to find anything wider in the next six months, I'll definitely be grabbing it with both hands.

Well that about sums it up for now, rest assured this project is not on hiatus, simply taking time to "move in", before I start paying the Eldar rent money.