Finally getting around to posting up things I've been painting on. First up is the TEP for Convergence. This is the battle engine for those crazy, math loving freaks and it is awesome.
Base stats aren't that impressive, with a RAT of 4. But when you add in it's servitors it gets much better. The main armament is a STR 10 spray 10 gun with Autofire (2). Again, not stellar, but that's gonna be fixed. See, it also gets 3 Permutation servitors per round and you can place them however you see fit around the base of the TEP. Placed in the left arc, you get up to three more dice on your attack rolls, Right arc, up to 3 more dice on damage rolls, Rear arc, up to three more Autofire attacks (for a total of five). You can also split them up however you see fit based on what you are shooting at. So far, I've removed entire infantry units from the board and severely crippled 'jacks. It's an all around killer and for only 9 points. I've easily found a place for it in all my lists. Ok. Enough talking here are the pretties. I used Citadel Leadbelcher for the body, with a Space Wolf Grey highlight. The glowing bits are Citadel Ice Blue base, with Space Wolf Grey and white highlights. Enjoy!
This post is a little TEPid
by FunDave | Jul 30, 2015