A quick update to let you all know that a bit of a revamp is coming.

We Are Many.....
Last time I mentioned maybe one more test model. We I did, it wnnt well, then I went to the fw open day and basically handed over my wallet!
What's all this leading too? Well in short coming soon will be a gallery for the Alpha Legion army that's now my hobby mainstay. Why a gallery, well because I've actually finished some models. I've said it a 100 times, but this time I really do think an army will stick. Pics soon!

Squires Dice
A change of title and a change of rules. After some intense play testing my in development hero battler has been pulled back into the workshop for some major revamping. Currently have a solid version 2 ruleset, however it's much more card dependant so I'm currently generating content and cards. As soon as v0.2 is ready you'll be able to download everything here.