As you might have already noticed, Kill Teams are a big thing here. I am a huge fan of the small and in-depth to work on projects. So it should not surprise that as soon as I did spent some time reading the event pack rules of Regiments of Renown from the lads at the Warhammer World that I was instantly sold. If you would like to risk a look too, just click here.
However two new Dwarves were finished yesterday evening and a solid base for my own small group of a Warhammer team took form. The whole bunch will consist of nine models, so I already have a third painted yet.
What I also would like to show today is how I imagine the Regiments of Renown to work. Our little campaign will take place in the Border Princes which should be a perfect playground for marauding warbands of all sorts and other adventurous groups. One could imagine a ruined imperial city as a good start. Therefore my Mordheim board will do the trick quite good I think.
As an example of how a warband for RoR might look like I came up with a classic team of Orcs and Goblins. The theme or background of such a marauding group is quite important if you want to achieve an even look for them. An army book has tons of material for cool ideas its army list. I checked my Warhammer Quest greenskins which I painted during the last couple of months and went for a vanilla Orc & Goblin team. There is a solid core of Orcs, all equipped differently, some with a bow, led by a brutal Nob. Then there are a few Goblins for simply needs like lighting the camp fire and to be bullied by the Orcs. Also they have two Wolves which they can use as scouts to look for easy prey. The background would be your regular greenskin marauders from light woods or meadows in the Border Princes. Yet the Orc & Goblin army book could be the source for a Night Goblin only team, or Savage Orcs & Goblins with Spiders, maybe even something very elite with Black Orcs only…you name it. The sheer amount of ideas is frightening my wallet. Oh, and I haven’t even included any Specialists / Dogs of War who will make the teams stand out even more.
I hope you can see now how much potential these event pack rules actually have.

Two new brave Dwarf Warriors ...

Two new brave Dwarf Warriors …

... will soon trouble the greenskins of the Border Princes.

… will soon trouble the greenskins of the Border Princes.

One third of the Dwarves team.

One third of the Dwarves team.

An example for 100 points for the Regiments of Renown of the Orcs & Goblins army book.

An example for 100 points for the Regiments of Renown of the Orcs & Goblins army book.