This is probably an uninteresting post for many.  Yet for a select few it my find purchase and even a similar story.

JJ typing, looks like our sandbox is under attack by moveable type again.  This is the fourth time the view count has increased dramatically for apparently no reason, that's not entire true, at all.

As many of you know there hasn't been a lot of activity on the blog lately.  The posts that get the most views are codex reviews on the day of release.  So when in late July 27th the blog received 583 views in an hour I was a bit surprised.  Love the audience graph.  Lots of activity coming from Russia.

Then a few days later and almost 350 views in an hour.  Main contributor during that week Russia again.

First time our sandbox was attacked by moveable type was from a rather upset and disappointed individual back in Jan '14.  The moveable type attack wasn't the only cyber front.  Two of my emails received spam from a stair company in Spain.  Then started getting a lot more emails about lost relatives that left behind millions of dollars.  Sexual flexible blogs were asking to be apart of the blog roll.  Nevermind the steady tide of snide comments.  I understand why he/she was upset and disappointed.  What I don't get is the lack of maturity.  Things happen when you put yourself out there.  It can't always be good.  Have to take the good with the bad and not lower yourself to less reasonable actions.  You have to do your best with the time you have.  Unfortunately two peoples time tables and expectations rarely sync when things go sideways business-wise.  If only he/she would've been polite, said please and behaved like a mature individual things would've gone easier for both parties.  Took me too long, I've resolved my end of the deal and held my word.  Not that we'll ever speak again.  One thing I do wish to say is: 'I'm sorry for upsetting and disappointing you.  Genuinely wish things would've turned out different, more positive.  Also apologize for taking so long to make things right.'

So here we are again under attack by moveable type.  Any other bloggers out there get these types of attacks or activity?

slainte mhath