As I mentioned in my last post, I have recently joined the Aus30k Global Heresy worldwide campaign, along with my regular gaming opponent (and good mate!) Duncs. He and I always have fun games, as we often try out homebrew missions and we tend to link our games together into thematic narrative campaigns. Our first campaign was focussed on a Tyranid splinter-fleet invasion of a Space Wolves garrison moon in the Fenris system; our next campaign is a Horus Heresy era campaign based around the defence of the mining world of Kug'Arkal. Our games are actually part of the wider Global Heresy campaign, so the results of our battles affect the overall outcome of the whole campaign!
The overall premise is that Kug'Arkal is a mining world, with obvious strategic benefits to the victor in terms of it's lucrative and valuable mineral deposits. More on the world's background can be found HERE.
Im our games, Duncs will be using his new Skitarii and Mechanicus miniatures as Dark Mechanicum, representing the sinister forces of the traitorous Warmaster. I will be representing the altogether more heroic(!) Loyalists with my Squat Guard. The early campaigns are limited to around 1,000pts, thus giving us time to slowly build up our forces. For Duncs, this means starting a whole new army! I actually already have around 4,000pts of Squats, though I will be adding some more converted vehicles to it over the coming months (more on that at a later date...). You can see a fluff description of the Squat Guard HERE.
The story is that Duncs' Dark Mechanicum have taken over part of Dogon Station, which is an orbital docking complex high above Kug'Arkal's surface. The loyalist Squat Guard have answered a call for assistance, but on arrival into Dogon Station, their ship mysteriously loses control and crashlands. Game one played out the scattered forces of the Squat Guard and the Dark Mechanicum's first skirmishing encounter (you'll find a write-up of our first game HERE on the Aus30k website), resulting in a comprehensive victory to Duncs and the Dark Mechanicum! At the end of that first game, the Squat Guard have been pushed back into their deployment zone, representing the Loyalists attempting to regroup and then rally their beleaguered forces. Game two (to be played this  Friday night) will see the Squat Guard attempting to break out of the docking zone to establish a defensible beach-head on Dogon Station while they await reinforcements from their orbiting fleet.