
After being gone for a while, I finally got a chance to take some leave, and get some time away.  I ended up going to GENCON.




Other slightly nonsensical names.

Meeting with Lo.  She’s awesome, by the way.

But now, I’m back. What to do……

More after the Jump.

I have decided to do a step by step guide to/of painting miniatures.  In this case, I plan to try something special.  It may fail spectacularly.  It may not.  Lots of issues are, as of yet, unresolved.

The first issue:  What to paint?



I’ve painted a great many Robotech RPG Tactics miniatures, and I’m still working through them.  I also found nine battlepods I haven’t even assembled yet.  *Sigh*  So. Many.  Pods.

I don’t have any particular urge to paint Infinity models at the moment.



I know, bushcraft.  Keep your mullet in check.

I’m in a steampunk kind of mood, I thought.



Wait.  That gave me an idea.

After purchasing the entire line of Through the Breach RPG products from Wyrd, I had a vision.

Actually, I saw this:


I was instantly drawn to it.  I’ve always found the Dia de los Muertos fascinating.  A long time ago, I managed to snag a limited edition Perdita Ortega from Wyrd, and painted her in a similar style.

IMG_3972 IMG_3977 IMG_3976 IMG_3974

I went for a limited palette look, which worked.  I used micron pens for the facial detail, which worked fairly well.  I then went on to paint the entire crew, also called the Latigo Posse.  I was pleased with the results:

DSCN7838 DSCN7856 DSCN7863 DSCN7871 DSCN7878 DSCN7884 DSCN7893 DSCN7894

Now, I want to do better.

I’m planning on painting the entire Latigo Posse, the Ortega family of Malifaux, in Dia de los Muertos colors.  And you, should you desire to, can watch and comment.

As of this afternoon, I have purchased base toppers, and assembled the crew.  I then basecoated the models with Army Painter Black.

My current plans are to use similar colors to the earlier Dia Perdita, but I want to add splashes of color on the faces and paint the clothing with sugar skulls, and the like.

No, not like GW (Not knocking, I just don’t play).

So, here we go.  I’ll be back…..




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