As someone who has painted thousands of grim dark miniatures over the years, and hundreds of WW2 models in their varying shades of desaturated green and brown, it has been a real experience switching up to the bright and vibrant colors of these Relic Knight models. There is a definite "over the top" feel to their color schemes, which only adds to the dynamic approach these characters take in the game. The Cerci Speed Circuit have certainly been a lot of fun : )

Relic Knight Princess Malya and her cypher, Mr Tomn.

Questing Knight Suicide Queen (on her jet bike) and her cypher Rollo.

Massive robot Lug and his handler, Betty.

Hell's Belles - dangerous Cerci racers!

The Pacer robot.

The Pit Crew - find yourself a good crew and stick with them!

The Royal Wrecker.

And finally, while at GenCon I had the opportunity to have my photo taken with cosplayers (from left to right) Stella Chu, Kitty von Brune, and Marie-Claude Bourbonnais, and the models I painted of the characters they are all cosplaying (Princess Malya, Suicide Queen, and Betty). The 13-foot tall Lug behind us was created by Marie-Claude for the Ninja Division crew and was not only an excellent talking point through the show, but was a great landmark for folks meeting up. : )
