

So a while back I shot my mouth off in the comments section and I got called out to expand on my hot air filled comment. No problem, if there’s one thing I have lots of its verbal diarrhea! If I remember correctly the idea was something like this:



Man, it’s like I have a eidetic memory 😛

Anyway, I can’t cover every blog on my rolls because there are hundreds, but the following are a few that jumped out at me while browsing. I’ll pigeon hole them into categories I have randomly assigned based on my own insane criteria.


This is the welcoming committee inside my brain… I don’t get a lot of repeat visits.


Let’s start with the hobbyists. These folks are not pros and in some cases are just getting into the hobby or back to the hobby or are mainly gamers who hobby a bit on the side or like to hobby, but can’t dedicate tons of time or what have you.  Now why would I put these folks on my blog roll? I mean I am so far beyond their skill level now, right? I don’t think so. The hobby we do is basically a creative outlet and heaven only knows what you can stumble into by accident or in a fit of passion.  It’s fun to be reminded of my beginnings and to help out with comments and to see folks come up with new ways to do things or watch them “level up”  on their latest project because they got passionate about it. Actually, it’s  inspiring.


So here are a few I like to watch:


Every year this insane bastard tries to cull his grey army by taking a month to paint a mini a day. ONE MINI. EVERY DAY. TO COMPLETION. FOR A MONTH!!!  That is awesome and someday I might try it out myself.


I just like his style. His Minotaurs were really cool and I loved how his did their tank. With the sponge technique no less! I use that for weathering, but in never would have occurred to me to get beautiful ly aged metal with that style.


Striving to up their painting game and discovering color theory. I like watching that because I did that a few years ago and reading about it is vastly different than putting it into practice. In the last few months I have seen leaps and bounds in the painting area.

Let’s move onto the artists. I think this is where I would be comfortable putting myself now, though just barely. Not long ago I may have even looked up to these folks and in some ways I am still blown away by what they do.


I have some ax faction minis and they are tiny. You should see what this guy can do with them o_O But he does way more than fantasy or even painting, he has recently gotten back into sketching. That is an enviable talent.


Hands down some of the best Grimdark conversions I have ever seen anywhere. Ever.  Makes me want to raid my bits box weekly.



He’s learning some hard lessons as he plys the waters of commission painting. That said he’s sharing openly what is happening, including his mistakes. What blows me away is the innate and almost instinctual skill with the airbrush. Check out a couple or his Eldar flyers and tell me there isn’t artistry there.

Last but not least let’s look at some of the pros out there. These are the folks who make a living at the hobby or at least do it so well it makes the rest of us look like we are finger painting rather than figure painting -_-


There are a ton of sexy models on his site. Now look past that at how well they are painted. Some of them look like cosplayers just standing still o_O He’s why I bought some big kits and took a stab at Vampirella.



Do you love Forge World’s Horus Heresy Character Series? Me too!  Someday I may even be able to do them justice like this.



If you haven’t heard of them I question your dedication to this hobby. Painting Gods. I am looking forward to their Mad Max car contest this fall. I may not even enter, but if I do I am sure I will be properly trounced.

The post Zab’s Blogging and Painting Inspirations- Guest Post by Zab appeared first on House of Paincakes.