So since speed painting up my Stormcast Eternal Force I have been figuring out a few army lists for them. I have been looking at the Azyr comp and Mo/Clash Comp systems so see where we stand! So Here is a break down of my total collection:

So total collection = 43 Mo Points and 73 Azyr Points and is 180 wounds.

Here is a "deployable" 20 Mo Point list:

Lord Castellant (2)
9x Prosecutors (6)
6x Retributors (4)
20x Liberators(8)
Total (20)

A sideboard army of Stormcasts:

Lord Castellant (2)
9x Prosecutors (6)
9x Retribuors (4)
20x Judicators (8)
20x Liberators(8)
Total (30)

Neither of which satisfy the formation requirements unfortunately :(

A 30 points "Battle" Azyr lists:

Lord Celestant on Dracoth (5)
Lord Relictor (3)
9x Prosecutors (6)
6x Retributors(8)
10x Liberators (8)
Total (30)

This list does satisfy the teleportation formation! From what I have seen these lists feel pretty small compared to the "Old World" lists so I think might need looked at comp wise. FYI above lists are not probably the best given my full collection but can be fielded fully (speed) painted from my collection!

What do you think? Has anyone else written lists under the above comp systems for Stormcasts? Or do you feel these are equal to your non stormcast lists?