Dusted off the mini's and headed to the Gopher to play some warmachine. I was not disappointed.

Ended up playing against Trollbloods and the Miserable Meat Mountain list. I had heard really bad things about how hard this list was to play against and was a touch worried. I can't remember everything he had, but there were the standard issue Warders with a krielstone unit, Mulg the ancient an axer and eGrissel. Looking at the list there was just a ton of high armor and a lot of wounds.

My list:
Prime Axiom
Attunement servitors

He lost the roll to go first, but I let him have first turn since I had decided to play more defensively.

He set up his warders and the stone unit in the middle, caster, mulg, Axer and rune bearer (aka Troll Moses) on my right side.

I tried to keep everything very centered as I already had the axiom and the TEP in the center of the board.

First turn.
Top: eGrissel uses dash and all of a sudden there are trolls all up in my space. Everything ran and he was coming fast.

Bottom: I move everything forward but did not run. Took a pot shot with the axiom but was out of range.

Second turn.
Top: Again with the dash and again with the running and also eGrissel popped her feat. Now he's literally on top of me. I have no space to charge and no way to not get sucked into a long drawn out slugg fest that I'm not sure I can win. That's why I did......

Bottom: I ran away. Or if you want to get fancy, I executed a tactical retreat. I could have killed somethings on this turn, but it would have left me in an awkward position and poised to get the brunt of a counter charge. So, I ran everything backward and hoped that he wouldn't have enough charge range to catch me.

Third turn:
Top: He did exactly what I needed him to. He moved his trolls in between two pieces of terrain and that clumped them up nicely. He didn't get the charge off and now he just had to wait to receive what I was going to give him.

Bottom: Swinging into action. TEP moves forward, drops out +2 damage dice and +1 shot for his servitor config. He loses 3 warders and 2 out of the stone unit. Damn theses things are tough. Speaking of tough, he would have lost more if he hadn't had that. Assimilator goes next and with hot shot up he takes out a couple more, totally wiping out one unit. Really starting to chew through the fat now. Syntherion is next and he blows his feat and recasts hot shot on the cipher.  Cipher charges Mulg and takes a shot at the warders. Yeah, that was a wasted shot. POW 6 just isn't going to hurt these guys even on 3 dice. So he punches Mulg a couple of times to no real effect. Axiom activates and drops 3 more warders due to the fact he's awesome.

Fourth turn:
Top: Everything he has left moves up and begins swinging at my forces. Assimilator takes some heavy damage, the corollary almost dies, and Mulg leaves me only one box on the cipher. Most importantly eGrissel has moved up closer to the fray. He runs some guys to surround Syntherion and forces me to consider what I'm going to do next turn.

Bottom: Ok. So two of my heavies are hurt bad, I have a fresh Prime Axiom and a fairly fresh TEP. And a Warlock who is dangerously close to me with an open lane in front of her. My plan was simple. It was either going to be me or her. I dole out focus to the Axiom with the corollary since Synth is camping all of his in case he has to clear off the two guys on him. Declare my target, measure for range, and... she's in. Boost to hit with the tow cables and do my best Scorpion impression "Get over here!" and now have his warlock in my grasp. Take my free melee attack and put about half her damage on one hit. Take my accelespiker shots and finish the job. He rolls his tough check and passes. Take my extra melee attacks, kill her again, and passes tough. Spawn a reflex servitor, kill her again, passes tough. Move my diffusor over, shot hits, kill her again, passes tough. Move my TEP, flame the little bitch, passes tough. Second shot with the TEP, kill her again. This time it sticks. He made five tough rolls in a row on a model who shouldn't have lived through more than two of those attacks. Heres a couple of pics of the end.

It was one hell of a fight.