New year, new Med Tour and... new minis wallet !

And, as every year, there's no free space in it for some spare minis.
The 2015 army is special : I have only one vehicule. And it's a Super Heavy one.
All my other minis are... walking. And no, there's no dreadnought.

I'm coming with 10 scouts and no less than 42 terminators.

After the friday welcome back cele- bration, and a very short night, back to war !

Apocalypse tables are huge. I mean, this one is a 168 by 72 feet table !

And everything was painted. #joy

All we had to do was preparing our armies, grab dices and templates and let's roll !
Here's a little story about the templates.

First, they where white.

Then, they became flashy green with the all new shiny Apocalypse game.

And... BAM ! here comes Apocalypse Mk VI flavor.
And you have to change all your templates for a loosy blue color.
These templates were a pain in the *ss... They were floppy, you had to mount and dismount them and they were... crap.

Then comes the 40kv7.
And you can throw away your crappy blue templates and cry after your good old green templates you throw away...

Or buy the all new white templates.

Wait ! Did I say white ? Oh, Games Workshop, you go back to basics.

What about the game ?

It was a 9k points game, with a Mecanicum / Deathwing / Space Wolves vs Astra Militarium (2 times) / Word Bearers.

There where seven knights, a Hellhammer, a Shaqowsword and an Armorcast Warhound.. Which means a lot of Super Heavies and small place for the other people.

I was a ggod game, which we won. The v7 Deathwing's different. I have to adjust my way to play it but the good point is the "run and fire" when you deep strike.
So sweet.

[next post : the second day]