Not got the hang of rolling 6s yet

This one is for Anne…

Eight months ago to this very day, our son Finn (named after the Irish legend Finn MacCool) was born under difficult circumstances. He spent his first three days being cooled in an assisted sleep and the next seven in UICU recovering. We didn't get to hold him for nearly a week. It was certainly the most rotten Christmas I can remember. Yet he made it through his ordeal, with no obvious signs of complications. Unfortunately for me, the day after he came home I had to go back to work.

Two hours old
Since then he has come on leap and bounds, developing at a staggering rate. He's very clever, sharp as a razor, always analysing and striving for the next achievement. Already capable of doing a mean combat crawl, clocking up quite an impressive speed, he is desperate to walk. He's already taken an interest in my rather large wooden gaming dice – chasing it around the living room giggling to himself. Gaming is in the genes it would seem.

Hijacking mummy's birthday present

He has his quarterly check ups with the hospital, but so far he's passing his examinations with flying colours and being quite a handful for his poor mum.

So, Happy nearly-birthday Finny. It's been quite a roller coaster ride so far; this parenting lark is not for the faint-hearted, as those of you with experience will know. Christmas this year will undoubtedly be a complete contrast to 2014 and things are looking bright again for our little family. Every day continues to be a blessing and he is a joy to be around (even when he won't go to sleep or eat his food). I'm a very lucky dad.

Back to the hobby stuff next week…