Tau Red Metal b

Well hello there, and welcome to another weekly Top-X, brought to you by my brand new laptop after my old one succumbed to a fatal wound caused by a mug of tea.

This week I have a preponderance of Games Workshop-related links, which I know is not everyone’s thing. I was going to say “not everyone’s cup of tea” but two mentions of tea within seconds of one another seems like a little much, am I right?

Anyway, this is what caught my eye, so this is what you shall be feasting your brains upon today.

First up, and not actually related to GW at all, Paul at The Man Cave went to some insane museum that has Conan’s sword, Hicks’s flak armour, and a whole bunch of other fantastic SF prop thingies. I am jealous.

Next, KorNat at PinAtWar has painted some Lord of the Rings Dwarf Rangers quite nicely. I always like the whole true(er) scale look of this range, and I like the bold, almost 90s colours. Excellent work KorNat.


More GW hobby to be found in the form of these red metal-finish Tau by commission painter Sam Lenz. I find coloured metallics hard to do myself, especially red because the metal medium always makes the red go pink and I haven’t figured out how to not make that happen yet. Now I can go back and read his WiP posts and see how it’s done…

Tau Red Metal b

eriochrome at Sons of Twilight shines some light on an important issue facing mini-games designers at the moment: what scale should our game be at? This is just a short post but it was interesting to see that this is in fact a real problem that comes up when designers are doing market research.

Mr. Kalidor at A Miniature Odyssey has a thoughtful article about the ethics of pirated Forgeworld models. This is something I’ve been thinking about a lot lately, since I’ve started playing in a narrative 40k campaign with some serious big boys with serious collections. I’m not sure which way to go yet – my natural Aussie instinct to pirate is warring with my resolve to support creatives.  Kalidor’s post gave me some food for thought.

And finally, Tony at Miasma of Pestilence delivers an abhuman pariah for what looks like a 28mm Inquisitor warband. I love the thought and creativity that has gone into this model at every stage while staying in keeping with the setting. Plus, he kind of reminds me of Tom Baker’s Doctor Who. If he were a beastman.



Till next time, have a good one!

The post Weekly Top X! appeared first on House of Paincakes.