Obviously I'm really enjoying working on these cars : )

Last Sunday, my daughter gave me this Chevy truck from her visit to Hershey's Chocolate World the day before. She thought I might like it for my growing collection of Mad Max-style cars. As it had a farm truck look, I figured it'd become a truck straight from the Bullet Farm.

Plate armor, mini-guns, and crates of freshly-picked bullets ; )

I've decided that my Bullet Farm cars don't need to fit with the limited palette I'm using for the Citadel or Gas Town (shiny silver, rust buckets, or flat black). This meant I could go for that pale blue/turquoise scheme that is so associated with rusted '50s trucks. Vallejo Model Color Blue Green, mixed with the Vallejo White Surface Primer, was the basis for this and then I shaded it with thinned washes of straight VMC Blue Green, then Army Painter Soft Tone, and a little VGC Charred Brown.

I think it turned out pretty sweet : )

At the same time I worked on my flea market find to create this "War Rig escort car", built from a Rolls Royce Silver Ghost.

This one was pretty straightforward; a bit of Dremel cutting, some bending and gluing of plastic rod, and a switch to some bulkier tires.

The paint job was done the same way as my Nux car, perhaps a little rougher, but I think it matches the escort pretty well.

There are a few more cars on deck, we'll see what I get done this week : )
