Hi folks!
The Worldwide Batman Miniature Game tournament is only 1 month away! (Well, 1 month and 2 days)

With that in mind, the blog here on ToaTS will be a little quieter over the next few weeks as we get things prepared like finishing off Arkham Asylum and swotting up on the rules and FAQ.

The event pack for the UK tournament is now up. You can find it HERE and it contains full info on the games, location and painting events along with the cosplay competition and more.

If you want to take part Tickets are £12.50 payable via Paypal to animositywargaming@outlook.com
Please leaved your contact details when making payment. An e-ticket will be sent to you prior to the event.
Be quick though as half of the tickets have been sold already.
With prizes like Arkham Asylum kits and goodies direct from DC, this is an event you don't want to miss.

Will you be taking part?
If so, see you there!
- Hendybadger