A unit that is both underutilised and models that are rarely seen, this squad of Possessed in a fun and interesting addition to the Thousand Sons. Based on the rarely found 2005 editions of the models, they are a unique acquisition and were a joy to paint.

Before painting them I felt it necessary to make a few modifications to the stock models (click here for an in-depth look). Whilst I see the beauty behind their apparent ugliness, the right parts and a little polish does help ease the eye. The main changes were modern backpacks, extra armoured parts such as shoulder pads, and better looking weapons for the axe-wielding Possessed and a new chainsword for the unit champion.

This unit was a great chance to experiment with a new colour scheme. I love the blue for this army, but I feel that there is such a thing as too much blue. So following in the wake of my Ferrus Infernum Dreadnought, I've modified my existing scheme to include a halved yellow-blue look. The left lower leg, and the left half of the breastplates are now yellow, and I think this is a big improvement on the look of the unit.

Expanding the unit will be tricky, as there are classic models with a unique look that the newer plastics wont match. I have had a few ideas for extra models, including this guy, which is made from an old banner bearer and a claw-hand from Spellcrow. I'll work something out, but expect them to have a slight retro look.

If Tzeentch Daemon kin ever becomes a thing, this unit will make for a great choice to blend the marine and daemon halves, giving my army a nice mix of the two. All I need is a few extra bodies and this squad will be ready to tear into the ranks of my terrified enemies.