Did you know that the NOCF isn't just raffling off 40K and Flames Of War armies (and SEVEN Malifaux crews!), but we also have three smaller raffles for three lovely pieces of miniature art.

Each of these pieces (pictured below) have a limited number of tickets (only 200 per model), selling for $5 per ticket. That makes for an incredible chance of winning - 1 in 200 for each ticket you buy. That means that if you buy a ticket you have a better chance of winning that you do of being struck by lightning, or eaten by a shark (even if you are swimming in South Carolina waters).

As with the armies and crews, we'll ship these models to the winners, regardless of where they are in the world! The proceeds from these tickets go to benefit the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. My mum is a three-times breast cancer survivor, so I have a personal connection to these cause.

The first mini we have is Maverick from Corvus Belli's Infinity range. This model is direct from the Corvus Belli studio, so I have to assume it was painted by the famous Angel Giraldez! Get your tickets right HERE.

The second piece is this incredibly evocative piece, Forever Young, a lovely study of the vampyr by one of this year's special guests to the NOVA Open - Roman Lappat (of Massive Voodoo fame). You can buy tickets for Forever Young HERE.

And the third piece was also provided by Roman Lappat: Zeta the Barbarian Babe. While this photo looks pretty big, she's a tiny 25mm mini with such incredible detail! You can purchase tickets to win Zeta HERE.

Just one week left until the winners' names are drawn. Don't miss out!
