Welcome readers to my first and forever mini love, Stompy.
I watched with hope in my heart as Dan Quirk rampaged across Ol' Blighty with his fantastic rendition of this amazing miniature. However, in a competitive environment, Stompy is simply too slow, impossible to miss with cannons, and far too low in initiative to avoid imminent death. I recall these battles not for pity (though I accept that as well,) but simply as a small taste of my competitive tournament experience with these rules. I have accepted that every time I put him on the table, I am hamstringing my army, and am playing for the joy of the game, instead of for the win.
Then along came Age of Sigmar.... For the first time, rules actually make sense, and seem intuitive. Stompy's battlefield presence could actually be a part of a cohesive strategy, and my army theme (of only marauders) has been included in the synergy. (They made a new character not legal since
Lustria, the Marauder Chieftan.) (please check out the rules from forgeworld for further clarification;) http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/resources/fw_site/fw_pdfs/aos_warscrolls/warhammer-aos-tamurkhans-horde.pdf )So why make a post?
Age of Sigmar is not Warhammer Fantasy Battles, and Stompy and I couldn't be happier ;)