Hi all,
I will be going quiet on here, Facebook and the Wayland Blog for the next couple of weeks due to a ton of work that I need to catch up on. I should be back to normal by the end of the month though.

But while I'm gone, don't forget about out Little Heroes Charity Fundraiser for the Down Syndrome Association.
Lots of model entries and lots of prizes have come in already so check out the main post and take part to help out! Deadline for minis to be in is Oct 21st.

There is also the Batman Day Tournament in a couple of weeks with lots of goodies on offer.
Knight models posted this about it a couple of days ago.

"Like many of you already know, on September 26th, DC comics and Knight Models want to celebrate the Bat-Day with a special worldwide event with five differents tournamets located in Canada, Spain, U.K. and U.S.A.

These tournaments will have different activities like cosplay contest, draws for all the participants, painting course, and much more! 

DC comics and Knight Models have donated more than $1200 in prizes for each tournament, such prizes will be:

On the part of DC comics, the prizes will consist of different comics based on DC universe and Knight Models will donate rulebooks, miniatures and terrain for the Batman Miniature Game.

Today we would like to introduce the events for the U.K. and Canada and their organizers.

U.K. event:

Bearing in mind that the day of the tournament it’s the same day as Bat-Day, there can be no better place to the host the UK leg of the tournament than Wayne Manor, home of Bruce Wayne and Batman In the Christopher Nolan movie: The Dark Knight Rises. Animosity Wargaming events bring you to Wayne Manor to take part in the Batday- tournament.

The link below will take you to the online event pack which has all of the information you require for the tournament.

Will you be taking part in either event?

Back soon,