I know I'm meant to be taking a break from the blog, but when I saw this Space Wolves with Dark Angels Allies army what won the US Nova Open 2015 last weekend, I simply had to right something about it... and rage a little about the current state of Warhammer 40K.

This isn't the actual army that won Nova, but it looks a lot like it!

Firstly, respect where it's due to Aaron Aleong for coming up with the winning list and playing it well, so that he could actually win the competition with it.

I think we all get carried away bitching about cheesy army lists that we forget that there is some level of skill in actually being able to pull off a convincing win with it in order to come in 1st place.

Here is the rough composition of the army. I'll update this when I get specific details.

Space Wolves & Dark Angels Allies Army

Dark Angels Detachment:

Sammael, Grand Master of the Ravenwing on his Grav Bike
Dark Angels Chaplain on a Bike
Dark Angels Ravenwing Command Squad on Bikes: Banner and Apothecary
Dark Angels Scouts
Dark Angels Tactical Squad in Rhino

Company of the Great Wolf Detachment:

Rune Priest on a Bike

Wolf Guard Battle Leader on ThunderWolf with Thunderhammer, Stormshield and Runic Armour

Iron Priest on ThunderWolf
Iron Priest on ThunderWolf
Iron Priest on ThunderWolf

Blood Claws in Rhino
Grey Hunters in Rhino

Space Marine Librarian Conclave Formation:

3 Librarians on Bikes

How it Plays

All the bikes and Thunderwolves form a huge Deathstar. The Chaplain grants the Deathstar Fearless and Hatred. Meanwhile the Librarians and Rune Priest cast a wealth of psychic powers. But most importantly the Invisibility Psychic Power to make it extremely hard for the enemy to hit you.

Please note that this Deathstar can form, break apart to go after various targets and reform again very easily because if it's high movement. Combine this with the durability and destructive nature of the units that go into it and you have a very dynamic force to deal with.

I should also mention that the Ravenwing's 3++ jink save is also re-rollable. Combine that with Invisibility and you're nigh on invincible!

Psychic Powers Annoy Me!

Now, to me, this isn't a proper Warhammer 40K army. In fact, it represents everything I dislike about 7th edition.

Firstly, the fact that you can create this bizarre mish mash of a force from various allied elements. But secondly that Psychic Powers - particularly the Invisibility power - taken in large amounts just seem to ruin the game.

Don't get me wrong, the army does actually have Troops. But the big blob of characters, bikes, Thunderwolves, all pumped up on psychic powers and what not reminds of the days when the dreaded Eldar Jetbike Seer Council ruled the tables. And we thought that was pretty broken back in 4th edition!

Say Hello to Mr Culexus

My solution to all these psychic power shenanigans is simple - get a Culexus Assassin and bung him in a Drop Pod.

By the Emperor, he's so filthy! Dispels all Blessings and Maledictions within 12", has a nasty gun that draws on the psychic power levels of psykers (friend and foe) nearby, has psyk-out grenades, he's incredibly hard to hit and to top it all off, his close combat attacks ignore armour and kill outright on a 6+!

You can read my Imperial Assassins tactics for more info.

Sadly, I'd have to ditch one of my Berserker Dreadnoughts to field him (and some wargear), but I think he may be a worthy and very necessary addition to my Space Wolves Drop Pod Army.

After all, when the Space Wolves attacked Prospero in the Horus Heresy, they brought the Sisters of Silence with them to protect them from the Thousand Son's sorcery.

So you could argue that having a Culexus in your army is the modern day approach to this kind of warfare.

Obviously Mr Culexus couldn't take on a whole Deathstar by himself, but he could bide you enough time to hit it with everything you've got and turn the tide of battle. Either way, it sure beats throwing everything at an Invisible unit with a 3++ re-rollable jink save!