Hi everyone,

I have just come back from my holiday in the Italian Dolomites, and guess what I find in the post box? - My first Kickstarter!  This is the new 2nd edition of one of my favorite fantasy battle systems - KINGS OF WAR.

Those who have followed this blog in the past know that I am a big fan of this game and I enjoy playing this with 10mm and 15mm scaled miniatures.   I have also posted an article about how to adapt the game to these smaller scales.

Now that I have the book in hand I will update the article in a new post in the future.  For now I just want to show off what arrived.  As you can see I only opted for the basic entry level, because I only needed the book.  The rest was extra. Also, I am not interested in building another 28mm army, so I kept it simple and cheap.
Overall, I am very happy with the quality and presentation of the books.  To be honest, I am not interested much in the background of Mantica world, but I find the army lists down to earth and utilitarian.  So much so, that they can be adapted to many different game systems and worlds.
I really like the Gamer's edition of the book.  I will be using this the most and I will leave the hardbound volume on the shelf.  I also got a card of the hard bound volume, but no map!  I will have to contact them about this.

The counters are simple but nice and very useful.  I would have preferred if they were acrylic, simply because I prefer the feel of acrylic, but plastic is OK as well.

My favorite piece has to be the Ronaldo the Bard.  This is another freebie from this popular and successful Kickstarter. I honestly do not know what to use him for - maybe a diorama - but for now he will be stored until inspiration strikes.
The Tyrant King Blaine on Gramakh will be arriving separately later on.  I will post up some pictures when it arrives.  This is by far the best freebie from this Kickstarter.

Now that I am back, I hope to start posting regularly again, especially  since the weather is cooling down. So until next time farewell and good health from your friendly neighborhood modeler - Nightrunner.
