Hey guys! So finally finished my Araloth for the painting challenge (due in just over a week guys!), thought I would try going OTT on the basing since it is such a new realm of possibility in the Age of Sigmar. Have shown step by step images below of the basing stages, almost all of the bits used are just twigs, rocks and gravel I can find on my evening run. Other than that it is sand, PVA and tufts. The snow is a mix of GW snow (fibrous) and army painter snow(granular) which I think has worked pretty well I think. Very happy with how the base came out, so much so that I want to replicate this on my next Age of Sigmar army (ogre or warriors I think!).

Painting wise on Araloth, it’s probably not my best effort but it came out ok. Blend is not quite as good as I wanted on the cape and the overall colour scheme is not great. Green, purple or blue would have looked better than the red I think. I did however test out the new GW golds: Retributor Gold and Liberator Gold and was hugely impressed by them. I will be doing all my golds in the future with these paints. Really simple: Base Retributor, wash Agrax, layer retributory, highlight liberator and edge highlight Mithril silver. It hasn’t come out great in the pictures but will show this in more detail when I finish my stormcasts!

Anyway let me know what you think and remember to submit your Araloths by the 4th of October via DM to me on Twitter (please don’t just send via normal twitter feed, I use twitter A LOT (too much!) so it will get lost in the abyss! No exceptions or special cases!!!!)

Love n Hugs
