It wasn't too long after they were released that I received a surprise package from a friend in Florida. Richard sent me a pack of three Myrmidon Destructors. He had received them by mistake in an order from Forgeworld and decided they would be painted if they made it to my painting table...

...well, it has taken almost a year and a half to get them to this stage (almost finished). They sat on my desk with just a Tinny Tin dry brush over the metal for close to a year, as I couldn't find the little pack of mechadendrites. I finally found the pack the other day, so I launched into finishing them off.

Of course, as soon as I did I promptly lost the mechadendrites again. Once I find them, bend them, and paint them, I'll dust the bases and post a final pic for you all : )

More posts to come this week!
