Where in the heck did this month go?!  No really, I want someone to answer this time, because I feel like it was September 1st just a couple days ago. 

Or maybe that's just wishful thinking on my part considering how this month went…

That last statement makes it sound worse than it actually is, really.  In truth, this month has been more of a test of consistency more than anything else.  What do I mean?  Well, I'm glad you asked…

Consistency, or being consistent with, according to Merriam-Webster is something "marked by harmony, regularity, or steady continuity : free from variation or contradiction (a consistent style in painting).

You have no idea how eye-opening it was when I looked up the definition of the word while wondering how I was going to tie this month back into the hobby.  It couldn't have been handed to me on a silver platter and been more perfect.  You see, consistency on the surface seems like a wonderful thing.  You're being steady in your work, keeping up quality and timeliness.  And all of those things can be true, and they can be good!  However consistency can quickly degrade from something good into something bad.  How?  In time, it is possible that consistency can lead to stagnation and complacency. 

It's easy to see how stagnation and complacency can lead to poor results (read no results) when trying to better your health.  When you grow complacent with your health, you become happy where you are…or perhaps comfortable would be a better word.  Once you've become comfortable with where your health and fitness is at, you can easily be tempted to stop pushing yourself to be better.  After all, you're comfortable, right?  You aren't doing too badly, and hey, that extra piece of cake wouldn't hurt…

…and then it begins to all roll downhill.  Maybe not fast and maybe not all at once, but the more comfortable you grow the more at risk you are to grow complacent with your health and fitness.  Soon those pants you worked so hard to get into are getting a touch tight, and those workouts get a little farther apart.  I'm not saying that you're going to lose everything you worked for, but at the same time, it is a risk that you begin to take.

The same can be said about our hobby.  You can be consistent with your painting, and that can be a very good thing.  However, once we become comfortable with where we are at in our skills at painting, modeling, sculpting, or gameplay, we can actually begin to stagnate and lose some of that skill we worked so hard to get to.  I haven't painted a model since just before AdeptiCon this year, and I know I'm a bit rusty.  You need to practice to get better.  You need to try new things and learn new techniques to get better.

What it all comes down it is it's not good enough to just keep doing.  You have to keep doing better.

What spurred this particular topic this month?  I gained a pound as of last night's weigh-in.  Las month I ended at 242 even, and last night I weighed 243 even.  No not a big jump, and I know I'm being consistent in what I'm doing, but perhaps I'm a little too comfortable with where I'm at.  I've already spoken to my Martial Arts instructors at ways to help push me, and I'm setting a slightly lower caloric goal for the day as well.

How are your endeavors in the hobby lately?  Are you pushing yourself to get better, or are you maybe getting a little too comfortable?

- Tim