I am very excited : ) I can finally start to shout about the Warlord Titan Build campaign I am now embarking on. Although this bad boy arrived at my house a couple of months ago, I wanted to wait until the rush of summer conventions, crazy workloads, and activities with rambunctious children had calmed down a bit. Now is that time : )

Over the next six months I plan to clean, assemble, and paint this massive beast and have it ready in time to unveil at AdeptiCon 2016. I think that's a pretty reasonable timeframe, as I'll be working on it at nights (and a little on the weekends, if I can squeeze it in).

I'm looking forward to messing around with all sorts of stuff I haven't done before, including filming a lot of videos of my progress along the way. You can see the first of these videos below (or on my YouTube channel). In this one I not only do an "unboxing" of the Warlord, but I also mention my Patreon campaign (something else I haven't done before).

For those of you not aware of Patreon, it's a site that helps artists and content creators to find and interact with patrons around the globe who want to help support their favorite artists in a financial way. My aim with this Patreon campaign is to raise enough that I can not only spend nights working on this, but also a full day each week so that I can increase the quantity of content as well as the quality of the videos as I go along.

Like any crowd-funding campaign, there are some reward levels that I've included that should be pretty cool - from campaign-exclusive decals from Fallout Hobbies to Google Hangouts, and even painted miniatures (sculpted by Chris Borer and painted by me).

Please head on over, check it out, and pledge if you can.

Finally, I'll also be documenting the build via Instagram, if that's more our thing. I like taking photos, and I hope that this will help keep me more active in doing so, as well as helping me refine my approach. You can follow my feed here.

Well, I'm off to start the arduous process that is cleaning and prepping all the parts for this madness.

Wish me luck ; )
