
Smokefall Ridge
October 16, 1875

Smokefall Ridge is beset by fear and paranoia, leading many settlers to vacate the premises.  More than half the current population has departed, and arrangements for supplies and commodities may be in danger.  The player group meets with the remaining townsfolk and a town meeting at the Lord's Chapel is arranged.

Many of the long-time residents of Smokefall see the characters as "veterans" even though they've technically only been there a few months.  At the town meeting, the uneasy subjects of current events are talked about as little as possible, though solutions are discussed.  Mrs. Maxwell prods this issue, asking about local supernatural phenomena.  In the end, Ignacio is elected sheriff - but the jailhouse has been burned down.

The group meets later, and Don Juan begins to outline his plans for the development of the town.  Doc and Ignacio talk with Mrs. Maxwell at length about Smokefall Ridge and it's problems.  As the dusk rolls in, the characters depart to their homes to think about their place in the universe and why it's so weird in the west.