This batrep demonstrates the internal balance playing 40k straight out of the rulebook ...

The following rule modifications exist in the ITC FAQ...

1) Nerf to Invisibility 

I remember this year at LVO knowing that there would be Lynxes. Invisibility has its place in the game with ranged D (even with nerfs). It is not only for deathstars. 

2) Limiting the number of psychic powers a psyker can cast per turn to their mastery level - this is a super nerf to things like seer council and librarius conclave. 

3) Re roll save is reduced to 4+/4++. This basically shuts down Ravenwing which is the best thing to come along for Dark Angel players in almost a decade. We know it is the intention of the development team because of the special rule for Ravenwing. 

Next up is a nerf super friends... There are lots of armies that people say are unfun - that is not necessarily a good basis and you will never make everybody help in this regard. The inclusion of SHW and GC in 40k greatly reigns in super friends - just watch the new Long War batrep pitting super friends versus an IK army and you will see.

Why let people tell you what you can and can't play ?