A bit more progress on the DT Kan... his arms are just sitting there.. not attached yet 8) I've been pretty busy so I haven't been able to knock out a ton but started adding other bits of metals in there. Some Copper, Brass and Chrome and I think it's adding some flavor to it..  I'm adding black to some more sections but it's hard to tell honestly haha..  even when I chip some of the areas they blend in..
 I'll be adding some light rust and streaking as well as more grim in general. I'm like the look of him so far and he's giving the feel of the greasy metal I wanted.
 I added in some of the other colors here and there..  no real detailing though. The checks will probably going on the shoulder sections and maybe on a leg panel? not sold on that yet but I think that will be more locked down as I add more details to him.
As represented by this pick I wish the Pumpkin kits I ordered would get here! . . he's sad... he wants something to chop chop chop..  8)  I'm loving all the work people are cranking out and it's cool to see such a wide range of different looks.. If you click on the link at the top right you'll be sent to Greg's DREADTOBER!! page and you can check out all the new updates people are putting out there..  Seven days down in October .. keep them Dreads moving!