I think that Wednesdays are going to be a great place to post my new videos. I can film my fun stuff on Fridays, tinker with it all over the weekend, assemble the videos on Monday and Tuesday, and unleash them on the unsuspecting public on Wednesdays. 

I tell you, it's a lot more work than putting together a blog post! Putting together videos is also a very interesting headspace to move around in. Quite different to blogging. Here I can put something together on the fly or spend days crafting something meticulous. I can crop images and revise my wordsmithing. In my early days of video work, I'm not sure of how best to do those things, but I guess that will all come with time.

Anyway, let's get into the next episode of my Warlord Titan Build, where I talk about (and show) how I go about preparing my Forgeworld resin prior to construction. 

It drags a little in places, there's a fun moment in the middle where I cut myself on something sharp, and I learn that I need to keep things a bit shorter. When I first thought about these videos, I wondered how I would ever fill 15 minutes in a particular topic. Well it turns out I like to ramble, so 15 minutes is going to be difficult from the other end of things - keeping it all nice and concise. Head on over to my YouTube channel and check out the videos so far, maybe even subscribe if the mood strikes you ; )

So, once you've checked out the video, please head on over to my Patreon campaign page and consider pledging. I currently have 12 patrons (thank you all very much for helping this to happen, guys), and I am excited to see that number grow so that I can create more fun content.
