Decided to throw my inexperienced hat into the tourney scene and enter in the FlatCon steamroller event at the end of October. Working to that end, I decided to throw down a test game last night. Here's a re-cap
My list
Max Reciprocators
Min Obstructors
Optifex Directive
2x Enigma Foundry
Objective: Arcane Wonder
His list
4x Griffon
2x Arcanist
Min Dawnguard Sentinels with Sentinel officer and Standard
Lanyssa Ryssyl
Objective: Fuel Dump
We played the Recon scenario and he won to go first. I deployed knowing that I was going to try and jam the zone in the middle and then shift Lucant and his battle group over to the right hand flag to dominate it. He had deployed heavier to his right and that helped determine the direction I would go.
I don't really feel like giving a full battle report but let's just say seven minutes, is not as long as you might think. I made a couple of huge mistakes but the most costly was not activating watcher at the right time. Had I done that, I could have saved one of my Invertors and killed Imperatus quicker than I did (stupid Phoenix protocol) I then could have shifted over to the center zone and either jammed it up or helped to clear it.
It definitely taught me a lot even though it was a loss. I figure I can get two more games in before the big show and then we'll see how it goes.
On the painting front, I'm finishing up my Obstructors and then all I'll have left is my other Enigma Foundry and a couple of Invertors. So no worries here about finishing the painting before the tourney. I'll try to get some pics up of the Reciprocators too.
Tourney prep Game 1
by FunDave | Oct 8, 2015