As a distraction from the enormity that is the Warlord Titan Build, I recently finished off these crazy dudes. The Scylla Guardian-Automata Coven are so incredibly Blanchian that I knew I had to have them as soon as I saw them. It is surprising, therefore that it took me this long to paint them. In order to stop them lingering, I rushed the details a bit, but they still fit in solidly with the rest of my Mechanicum/Adeptus Mechanicus forces. Here's a look at them individually (two views per automata). And yes, they will be a pain in the butt to transport!

I also located the mechadendrites for my Myrmidon Destructors, so these guys are now wrapped up too.

I have a couple of other things to show this week, and hopefully there'll be time to put together a post about the Warlord : )

These bases, as always (for my Mechanicum forces) are from the Tech-Deck range by Dragon Forge.
