Our Holly Hobby needs time.
Having a new mini in hand is just the beginning of a long journey.

You'll have to prepare, assemble, paint and -finally- enjoy your new mini.

Time you'll pass during these different steps isn't the same for everybody.
You'll go on with motivation, capacities interest and, the most powerful one, emulation.

Emulation can come from yourself, from your friends, or simply the fact that you want to be better.

Be better, but why ?
For the pleasure to have a mini, a titan, an army on display and be proud of it.
To give a smile to your game partner, who'll be proud to have such an army in front of his.
For the pleasure you'll have to be better and better with every mini you put on the bench.

One of the last post from ZenComics illustrates what I'm talking about :

Emulation helped me to go back to our Holly Hobby.
It helped me to be back on the bench and start a new project.

I'd like to thank all the people I met during the ten years I practiced our Hobby.
Without you, I won't be were I'm today.