As you've probably gathered from the fluff bits I've been posting over the last couple weeks, I'm starting a campaign with my gaming group. It will be 3 Imperial players versus 3 Xenos players. Here are the rules I came up with for it. I based them heavily on the Badab War campaign. Let me know what you think.


Players must choose a primary and secondary codex, which they will maintain for the entirety of the campaign. Their Primary Detachment must always be chosen from their primary codex, while secondary detachments can be chosen from either.

Armies are encouraged to be as accurate to the background as possible. This isn’t a cut-throat tournament, but a narrative campaign. Please keep that in mind.


At the beginning of the campaign, players should be assigned to each of the two teams (Attacker and Defender) as evenly as possible. They should stay on the same team for the entirety of the campaign. If the number of players becomes very uneven due to drop-outs, the Campaign Master may ask some players to become traitors and switch sides to re-balance the teams.

Campaign Phases

Each campaign phase lasts for a month. During this time, players may play as many games as possible against members of the opposite team. In case some players are unable to set up games against members of the other team, each player will be allowed to count 1 games played against outside players per phase. This should be scored exactly as normal, with the outside player counting as a member of the opposite team of their opponent. This represents clashes with forces moving through the area and taking advantage of the chaos.

Players may choose to play any mission in any part of the campaign, though some missions are worth extra points in each phase. Players may always agree to choose one of these missions, or roll to randomly determine which of these missions to play.

At the end of each phase, each team adds up the number of campaign points earned by all of their players. The team with more campaign points wins that phase and gains the appropriate reward. The campaign points then reset, with both sides starting off each phase with 0 points.

Army Lists
Each campaign phase places certain restrictions on the army lists allowed. These restrictions must be followed in each battle, but players may change their army lists between battles.

However, one HQ choice, one Troops choice, and one other unit must be chosen at the beginning of the campaign to make up the core of your force. The size and options taken by this unit may vary, but they must be taken in all army lists. At the end of each phase, players may choose one of these core units to receive Preferred Enemy against a single codex that you fought during that phase.

Phase 1
The Attackers are probing the planetary defenses, sending small, fast moving armies to the surface. The Defenders are massing their forces, preparing to counter a larger assault.

Both players should choose 1,000 point armies using a single Allied Detachment. This is the only detachment chosen for your army and must be drawn from your Primary Codex.
Attackers may take one additional Fast Attack choice while Defenders may take one additional Heavy Support choice. Neither side may take any relics.

Games of Crusade and Purge the Alien are worth 2 points to the winner, with no points awarded for a draw. All other games are worth 1 point to the winner, with no points awarded for a draw.

Attacker Victory: All Deep Striking units may re-roll their reserve rolls and scatter rolls for the rest of the campaign.
Defender Victory: You may choose to add or subtract 1 to all Reserve Rolls for the rest of the campaign.

Phase 2
The Attacker has landed substantial forces on the planet’s surface and is now beginning to harass the Defender’s fortified positions.

Both players should choose 1,500 point armies using any detachments available to their codices. Neither side may take any relics or Lords of War. The Defender may take a free Aegis Defense Line or Imperial Bastion as their Fortification, though they must pay for any upgrades to them.

In all missions, the Attacker may choose whether Night Fighting is in effect for the first turn.

Games of The Scouring, Big Guns Never Tire, and The Emperor’s Will are worth 3 points for an Attacker victory, 2 points for a Defender victory, and 1 point for the Defender in the case of a draw. All other games are worth 1 point to the winner, with no points awarded for a draw.

Attacker Victory: Elite units gain Objective Secured for the rest of the campaign.
Defender Victory: Heavy Support units gain Objective Secured for the rest of the campaign.

Phase 3
The fighting has moved into the planet’s cities. Both sides scramble to gain control of the valuable resources found within them.

Both players should choose 1,750 point armies using any detachments available to their codices. Neither side may take any relics or Lords of War.

Games of Cities of Death (from Cities of Death or Shield of Baal: Leviathan) are worth 3 points to the winner. All other games are worth 1 point to the winner, with no points awarded for a draw.

All players on the winning team may add choose two relics from their primary codex. These relics may be taken for free in their army lists. Players on the losing team may each choose a single relic from their primary codex. This can be taken in their army, but they must pay the appropriate points cost.

Phase 4
Massed armies maneuver to gain advantage for the final battle.

Both players should choose 2,000 point armies using any detachments available to their codices. Relics may be chosen based on the rules in Phase 3. Lords of War are available.

Maelstrom of War games are worth 3 points for a Defender victory, 2 points for an Attacker victory, and 1 point to the Attacker in case of a draw. All other games are worth 1 point to the winner, with no points awarded for a draw.

The winning team may choose two extra Apocalypse Strategems for Phase 5.

Phase 5
The final battle! If the Attackers have won the majority of phases so far, this would be an assault upon the Defenders’ last fortified stronghold. If the Defenders have won the majority of phases, this would be an assault upon the Attacker’s initial fortified landing zone. If both sides have won 2 phases, this would just be a climactic battle over suitably epic but neutral terrain.

Phase 5 consists of a single Apocalypse battle, with all available players participating. Both sides should agree on a point total for the battle. All players may take as many relics as they’d like, but the winners of Phase 3 may take their 2 chosen relics at no cost. Lords of War are available and encouraged.

The winner of Phase 5 wins the campaign.