Hey guys! So just a wee post to show some pictures of my Battle Fleet Gothic (BFG) game playing against Ryan Savage’s brilliant Tau Fleet. For those of you who don’t know many moons (hoho!) ago Games Workshop made an excellent space fleet combat game which was supported for years with new fleets and rules. The game was heralded as one of the best rulesets they have made and it was launched around about the time I was getting into the hobby. At the time I was a young whipper snapper and couldn’t afford to get into but being a big star wars fan it certainly caught my imagination.

The great thing nowadays is that the rules are all available online for free (the ships are VERY expensive though!) just have a wee google or message me and ill share some. Actually here’s a link to my stash of rules on dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/8cnx5zxbk0t1bd1/AACCdExR5CG4Ow4ghYDsQfT-a?dl=0

Anyway so Ryan and I played our first game with a 750pt fleet (comparable to a 1200pt 8th Edition Game size or 1000pts of 40k) and we had a great time. Necrons are mentioned as probably the “best” race in the game and I did win but to be honest I can definitely see some glaring weaknesses which could be exploited.

For those interested here were our lists:

Necron Scythe Harvest Class Cruiser (8 Hull Points)
Necron Shroud Class Light Cruiser (4 Hull Points)
3 Jackal Class Escorts (1 Hull Point Each)
3 Jackal Class Escorts (1 Hull Point Each)
1x Re Roll

1x Protector Class Cruiser (8 Hull Points) with Admiral of the Fleet
1x Protector Class Cruiser (8 Hull Points)
3x Defender Class Escorts (1 Hull Point Each)
3x Defender Class Escorts (1 Hull Point Each)
1x Re Roll

All the fleets have a distinctive feel and play style with strengths and weakness that make them very unique and fun. The game is mainly about planning turns in advance your manoeuvres and positioning to co ordinate your attacks and try to predict your opponents counter or planned moves.

Anyway I’ll hopefully be getting in more games with the guys and trying out more fleets, other than the cost of the ships, it is a very easy and fun game to get into!