No DreadTober updates today but I've been busy.. Sean from ( and I have started a Laser Cutting business. We are currently working on designs and should have them up on out site soon. We'll be selling Terrain, Paint Racks, Templates and Tokens.
The site is underconstruction but we are adding to it. I've been working on a Tower and Gantry System lately and it's been keeping me busy .. designing.. cutting .. fixing... designing .. cutting .. you get the idea haha
The Tower is almost complete, there are just a few final touches I'm working on.
The Tower will connect to the Gantry System, I made it so the walkways can connect to each of the sides and extend out. It can be used solo or it can be connected to the walkways (it also has guards when the walkways are attached I just didn't take a picture yet). The dark MDF is just test and not the final cuts, it doesn't have any detail designs added. Just the cuts. Hopefully by the end of this or the next week I'll have the complete system done.