So my tourney journey continues. Got another game in at the Gopher this past Wednesday. This time against the evil of the Skorne Empire.
My list:
Attunement Servitors
Optifex Directive
His list:
eMakeda and the Exalted Court
Molik Karn
Tyrant Zaadesh
2x Cyclops Brute
2x Paingivers
Gatorman Posse
I dropped Syntherion since I think he has the better matchup vs Skorne. After the game, I don't think my Lucant list would have done as well.
Again, not going to assail you with a full batrep since this one went pretty quick. He lost the roll off and I went second as is my custom with Synth (Lucant likes to go first) First turn consisted of a bunch of running from both sides. Second turn he moved up his warlock into the zone on my right and moved his gatorman posse into the zone on my left. A few attacks later and my attunement servitors were gone. My second turn was a lot more interesting. He had left himself in a vulnerable position because of the mandatory kill box positioning. So, I had a choice. Go for the assassination on turn 2, or play out the scenario and try to win that way. If you've read this blog enough or know me in person you can guess what I did. I had to activate Synth first and use his feat. Assimilator charges and hits Makeda with his ranged attack doing a few, Cipher charges and again shoots her for a few, then the TEP activates and drops her even more. By the time all was said and done she was left with only 9 boxes left. The bad news? I had left myself highly over extended and that would cost me. His turn three saw the TEP, my Cipher and the Assimilator all die. The Assimilator did have reconstruct though and was able to stick around. My turn three, the Assimilator gets healed to almost full again and Synth casts hotshot on him. I move over, take the shot and BOOM! Makeda is gone. He couldn't transfer damage on account of Karn being full of fury or something like that. It was a good win.
What did I learn from this one? Well, like I had feared, Syntherion is MUCH harder on the clock than Lucant. I needed the 5 minute extension on turn 2 just to get the TEP's firing done. Second, it's going to be really tough on me choosing the right list. I'm use to having just one from playing 40k and if you had a bad matchup, well, then you took your lumps and that was that. Having dual lists and specialists to boot changes the dynamic in a huge way. Third, I may be switching out my attunement servitors for reflex servitors. Flare is good when it works, but more often than not people go right after them and I may get one use out of them. It's much more point cost effective to have a bomb that's gonna blow up in their faces than a flare gun I may or may not get to use. It's looking like that's all the play testing I'm going to get in before the tourney so we'll see how it goes. The clock seems to be a great equalizer in the way the game is played and it all comes down to mistakes.
Painting wise, I'm almost done! All the obstructors are done, both Enigma foundries are done and my converted Inverter is done. All that's left is my second Inverter and hopefully that'll be here Tuesday and I can get it finished before Saturday. Gonna try and get pics of the new stuff up later tonight.
Tourney prep Game 2
by FunDave | Oct 16, 2015