So, I managed to get some time off this weekend so I fiddled around with the Knights. Just wanted to show a little of the progress with the War Lord Knight. I built the shoulder mounted thermal cannons which turned out to be a case of kill your darlings. I had imagined building a large revolver type of magazine with gas canisters instead of the pair mounted on the side. I actually assembled six tanks in a revolver mount, but it turned out to be to large and made the whole assembly back heavy and with out a flow to the aesthetics. So even though the magazines as such turned out as I wanted them they did not fit this build. Instead I focused on replicating the back mounted cannon I already build for my other knight with some minor tweaks. I also made a back mounted autocannon to go with the rest of them (I am planning a dual mounted auto cannons in the main body also). I think it is turning out ok and now it needs to get some legs so I can start with all the details.