So I'm finally done painting my armies for the FlatCon Steamroller event on the 24th and I've got time to post again since I'm not picking a brush up again anytime soon.

First up, my Reciprocators. These guys are the second stop on the Convergence clockwork body train. Only after being an Obstructor do you get to move up the ranks so to speak. They're good solid models with a nice stat line. 8 boxes, DEF 12 and ARM 16. They also have Shield wall which bumps them up to ARM 20 and a variable weapon that's either Set Defense (which effectively puts them at ARM 22 on a charge) or empowered which makes their weapons P+S 14. These guys were built to hold a zone. Under Lucant's feat they become even better at ARM 24 (26 against the charge and ranged weapons). I really like these guys and would like to take more if I ever step Lucant up to 50. Anyway, here's the unit.

I didn't take the normal 4 pose pics that I usually do since these guys are pretty boring in the back. Most of the important stuff is the shield and axe/polearm.