Well, here are pretty much my least favorite unit to paint so far. The Obstructors are the absolute base troops in the Convergence army and where you start out once you've decided to shed your fleshy body for a nice shiny metal one.

Overall they have kinda meh stats. DEF 12 ARM 14. Like the Reciprocators, they have shield wall which makes them ideal to take with each other. They compliment Lucant rather well and can help hold a zone. I typically use them to hold zones next to Lucant while the Recips go and hold another. With Enigma foundry back up, these guys are actually pretty hard to take off the table for good. So play wise they're great, in the right circumstances. Painting, well, that's another story.

I didn't enjoy painting these guys at all. I'm not sure what it was, maybe the fact they were the first large unit I've painted in a while. Like a long while. I haven't painted a "unit" since my last Wraithguard unit and that was just 5 guys. Part of the problem is the model. They're just so uninspiring. Everything else in this army has this cool look about them and I just don't get that from these guys. Hopefully that doesn't reflect on how they perform on the field. I've already had good luck with them, so there's that.