Raven Guard goodness, but rather pricey!

Forge World released the Raven Guard Mor Deythan Strike Squad.  But at £50 ($76.75 US) this is one of the more expensive 5 man units ever to come out of Forge World and fans are not happy.  Discussion on the Horus Heresy Forum here.

Now I am not one to complain about Forge World prices, so I will get two squads for my Raven Guard, but still pricey!

From Forge World:

Having fought at their Primarch’s side from the days before the coming of the Emperor, the Mor Deythan are among the most loyal and experienced of veterans. Through the endless procession of death they have overseen, the Mor Daythan have perfected hard won skills that surpass those of most Space Marines.

Masters of stealth, attacking from the shadows with almost preternatural skill, the Mor Deythan Strike Squads are the pre-eminent infiltration and execution units of the Raven Guard. Few who enter their sights survive.

This Mor Deytahn Strike Squad is made up of five models, armoured in modified MkVI ‘Corvus’ battleplate that bears the symbol of their Legion. Each wears a cloak and is equipped with a sniper rifle, holstered bolt pistol and a selection of grenades. The kit also includes an optional un-helmeted head.

This is a complete, multi part resin kit. It includes five 32mm round bases.

More info on the Forge World website:

 And there are also Raven Guard transfers!

 £16 or $25 a sheet.  Available here:

Good hunting!
