Hey guys got through quite a bit of hobby over the weekend and manage to finish off all the stone on my necron armour which was a great wee hurdle. I just have the blues left to do which will take a bit of time but I have 2 weeks to get it done so it shouldn’t be a big problem!

So over the weekend I also spent some time building my Battle Fleet Gothic (BFG) Space Marine fleet which I have wanted to own for years. I got excited and painted up a strike cruiser as in the imperial fists colour scheme. I decided to go for Imperial Fists because we are planning on dabbling as a group with Horus Heresy and sparked by the teaser video on the GW website I think this is going to be huge. Andy is going Iron Warriors so this will give us a great narrative/ rivalry to build upon for our games. Im a big fan of the Horus Heresy book series so I hope this really grows into a fun story built gaming system for us all.

From a painting point of view Imperial Fists also represent a challenge in the form of yellow. I haven’t really painted much with yellow in the past so I’m excited for the challenge. I will do a blog post in the future talking more in depth about what specifically I plan to do and maybe a few test models.

Anyway let me know what you think of the test cruiser!