As part of the Slowburn League, I committed a Fire Raptor for my pledge. I actually built this model about 3 months ago but only recently started painting the model. I love the way it looks, the aggressive lines and silhouette. I just wish that the Stormravens all shared the same type of look but alas, that model looked more akin to a flying Rhino. This model however is a work of art. 

Stormraven crew will be flying my Fire Raptor


Some dirty mind actually pointed out to me that this looked like the pilot was "enjoying" himself

I worked on a prototype Objective Marker. I decided to light it up as I very often had trouble finding the markers on the table

Once the model was built, I hit it with a black primer. I completed the cockpit and masked up the plastic canopy

First layer was VGA Scarlett Red. I kept the angle sharp to the model to retain the black shadows

Working in the layers I added Bloody Red

I started blocking out the black colours

Added edge highlights to the model. This was Blood Red

I added black lining to all the panel recesses

I found it a little too red so went back and hit it with some Carroburg Crimson

Added some black lining and detailing work on the ship

At this stage major areas were all painted up. Just one last level of highlights and some weathering for atmospheric entry
Some weathering on the wings and edges and this model is done


I hope this has inspired you guys to complete yours.