Group shot before the battle.
Doom Reavers everywhere!!
I had no idea what to do against this. My Lucant list didn't have the bodies to hold him off and my Syntherion list didn't really have the firepower to deal with all those spread out models. I dropped Synth anyway and ended up losing on scenario. I would have lost by assassination as well, but he chose to win on scenario. This is one list I'm going to have to figure out a drop against as I'm sure I'll see it again. Maybe an Aurora list can do it.
Game two:
You can't shoot Cygnar, we shoot you!
My missed drop of the evening, but also my only win. I saw he was playing infantry heavy Cygnar and chose Synth due to the massive amounts of removal I can do. Wrong. My Lucant list would have been much better suited to this game. He was playing Stryker2 and just about everything I could shoot at him was negated or his armor was so high that I couldn't do anything. So, how did I win this one? Well, my opponent was an honest and straight up guy. He placed a template a good 6 inches further out than it should have been, completely screwing over my movement and changing the game significantly. The next turn he noticed what he did and what that caused and gave me the game by concession. Didn't want to win that way, but I'll take it. Also, thanks for being a up and up player.
Game three:
If I bring a colossal I win right?
Closest game of the night. If we hadn't decided to extend the round times to 90 minutes from 70 I would have timed him out. He brought a very nicely painted Mercs list that featured a Galleon as the centerpiece. I decided to drop my Lucant list as there were three flags to grab and my Synth list just couldn't do that. The game was pretty fun. I blew putting positive charge on my Inverter and that kept me from removing that one last Nyss hunter that was contesting the objective. In the end he killed my caster. There was a couple of moments of rampant cheating going on here though. I didn't have enough to call him on it, but he didn't take away his focus when he trampled with the Galleon and that cost me my TEP. Then later I swear he used too much focus to boost when he shouldn't have been able to. He was determined he was going to beat my list no matter what because he didn't like the way I was playing. Instead of asking what a unit did, or asking to see my cards, he just expected me to fully lay out what my army did. I have no problem asking what someones unit does how what effects it has, and if I don't know, I'll ask before I do anything to it. I also have no problem when people ask me those same questions, I'll gladly tell you. But don't get mad at me when you try to knock down a jack that is immune, but not ask before hand. That's not my job at the table. I'm not going to with hold info, but if you don't ask, I'm not telling.
So, there ya have it. Tourney one in the books. Overall it was a positive. I did walk away with the best in faction award for Convergence, so the night wasn't a total loss. I gotta learn to trust Lucant more since seeing wave after wave of models break over my guys was oddly satisfying. I'll for sure be looking at different angles in the game now too.