First pics are leaking out. Seems a cross between space hulk and execution force.

a tad disappointing about the dreads but stick some assault cannons and a missile launcher and they work fine as support dreads - then a relic from FW as your main dread and sorted.
I know ill end up with two - one to play and one to raid for my HH army but still need to know about if its limited or not - suspect not (they have to fill the shelves now the hobbits gone) - and that's all about when I get the two I want lol
pleased its a standalone game just a slight shame its based on the spacehulk/execution force tile system (note to GW you missed a trick there by not making the SH and EF tiles interchangeable) but at least the models look usable for 30k, fingers crossed for some expansions like for the old space hulk game.

also noted from elsewhere on the net - The sales of the box will dictate what will be released next, how it will be released and when it will be released. ONCE AGAIN, IF THESE SITES SAY THEY KNOW WHAT IS COMING OUT, THEY’RE LYING.
Contents of the Box:
30x Tactical marines MK IV ONLY!
5x Cataphractii Terminators
1x Contemptor with Lascannon and CCW (FW Contemptor arms are interchangeable with the new plastics)
1x Praetor
1x Chaplain
The game box will be the only way to get the models for the initial release. The more you buy the faster the minis will come out in squad form.”