Details are emerging on Facebook of the Horus Heresy Game.

From Lords of War on Facebook

“I guess anyone can email in as an “anonymous source” and be completely wrong about stuff. Here is the low down:
It is a Boxed game with tiles. (Yes it’s just a box game)
– NO F**** XENOS! This is about the galactic civil war of man. That means no bull*** Eldar, Tau, Orks, Necrons, etc. If you hear anyone say there will be rules for Xenos, they are lying to you and they’re a major bull*** artist. This isn’t 40k, this is 30k and we don’t give a s*** what color your Eldar dress is.

THIS IS NOT A LIMITED RELEASE – this is a boxed game and the models maybe used for Forge World’s Age of Darkness. If you don’t own their books you are missing out.

– Follow up to the last point, BUY THE FORGE WORLD BOOKS THEY ARE OUTSTANDING AND WORTH EVERY DIME OR PENCE (for my English friends).

– The sales of the box will dictate what will be released next, how it will be released and when it will be released. ONCE AGAIN, IF THESE SITES SAY THEY KNOW WHAT IS COMING OUT, THEY’RE LYING.
Contents of the Box:
30x Tactical marines MK IV ONLY!
5x Cataphractii Terminators
1x Contemptor with Lascannon and CCW (FW Contemptor arms are interchangeable with the new plastics)
1x Praetor
1x Chaplain
The game box will be the only way to get the models for the initial release. The more you buy the faster the minis will come out in squad form.”

So in summary, there are 38 miniatures for $150 USD based on multiple sources.  Pics show Mk. IV marines, Cataphractii Terminators and a Contemptor with Kheres Assault cannon and multi-melta. 

Retail will be $150 and thus it will be a considerable deal compared to Forge World.

Good hunting!
