Nick speaking,

When I first started this hobby many many years ago, my buddy who introduced me to 40k had this little rule that we used to make it easier for me to make a list as a beginner. We use to call it the three point rule, where you were able to take three points above the selected agreed points level!

We used this rule for about six months, and then we dropped it and made way for not being able to go over the points value selected! From then on, I have never played a list that has been over on points and have never really thought about it, but reflecting on the three point rule now, what would you say if your opponent was a few points over the agreed limit?

Obviously, I wouldn't expect anyone to be over the points in a tournament environment, but how about in a pick up game or a game with your buddies? Would you mind your opponent being a few points over? How would you deal with it? Not play them? Get them to drop a piece of wargear? Take something in your list to take you to the same points? Or wouldn't you be bothered and just play?