
More Horus Heresy Marines photos!

Thanks to Spikey Bits for these!


 Decal sheet with Ultramarines and Word Bearer

OK, you get 30 of these guys – that’s a ton. These look like fully detailed multipose models, not starter box quick assembly dudes.  I think that is more fuel for the theory that GW has big plans for these kits outside of this boxed game. I see all the little gubbins like grenades, knives and such.  So far I’ve spotted: retro missile launcher, heavy bolter, plasma gun, meltagun, plasma pistol, powerfist, chainsword and a boatload of bolters.

The officer sprue is very nice and while we saw it earlier this summer, it looks spectacular here in full detail.  The 4-winged staff combined with the decal sheet leads me to believe that one of those may be a Chaplain (or perhaps a Dark Apostle in the case of the Word Bearers).  All those script blocks on the decal sheet will be wonderful to cut up for use all over a Word Bearers army.

Rob at Spikey Bits has done great work, THANKS!
